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  1. Shooter agrees to the following:

    1. Display and distribute literature sent by Company at events which he/she represents Company.

    2. Shooter must wear Secure Firearm Products shirt/logo for duration of match. Proof may be required.

    3. Must get prior approval of all regional matches to be eligible for award.

    4. Shooters will be required to conduct themselves in a professional manner while wearing the logo of Secure Firearm Products on their shirts.

    5. Shooter must inform Company of match results within 30 days of match to be awarded.

  2. Secure Firearm Products agrees that is shall:

    1. Enroll “Shooter” in the Secure Firearm Products Contingency Program

    2. Pay “Shooter” for eligible awards based on the following table


        1st place finish in GM-D Class in a major match (Ie. IRC, USPSA Nationals, NRA Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge etc.


        1st place finish in GM-D Class in a regional (level III) match (ie. Area Matches, State Match, etc.)
        Note: There must be 5 or more shooters in the class of each division to be awarded.

  3. Other items and terms to be observed by and between the parties.

    1. To qualify for the award the following items must be met:

    2. USPSA/ISPC Matches must have 180 shooters or more and have 5 or more in the division/class to be awarded and be approved in advance by Secure Firearm Products.

    3. All USPSA Nationals and the IRC are automatically approved.

    4. Shooter is eligible for only one prize per match.

    5. ICORE Matches must have 55 shooters or more and be approved in advance by Secure Firearm Products.

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